Love and Truth
True love is an inside job. We cannot look to another to love us when we feel unworthy of love. If they love us, we will not receive it because we have erected barriers. We will push that love away, discount it and attract those who use and abuse us.
A client I once saw wrote a song with the following words:
I know that I must be loving me
To let another person get close to me.
My self-loving is setting me free and
Making me the person I am meant to be.
What is true love? Love is a creative energy that flows from the heart, not from the
mind. It is what powers all growth and discovery. It is what heals and empowers. It is
that which sets us free and brings us joy.
What is truth? Truth is another word for love. Truth sets us free to soar like an eagle, be still as a heron, jump as a dolphin, transmute from caterpillar to butterfly or ugly duckling to swan.
Love and truth cannot be bought. They are to be caught and never dropped. They are passionate, enthusiastic and energetic.
Love yourself.
Be true to yourself.
Catch the ball and run with it to that place where your wildest dreams are fulfilled and even surpassed. Enjoy the kindred spirits who will be running alongside you. Trust the trustworthy. Be discerning.
Here are a few affirmations to assist you in increasing self-love and finding the courage and
self-love to live the truth of your authentic self:
I accept myself as I am.
I am good enough.
I am smart enough.
I am strong enough.
I am attractive enough.
I deserve to be respected.
I deserve to be appreciated.
I deserve to be celebrated.
I deserve to be appreciated.
I am worthy of unconditional love.
I am worthy of unconditional love.
I am worthy of optimal health.
I am worthy of nourishing relationships.
I am worthy of happiness, fulfillment and success.
I am receptive to all that is for my highest good.
I allow all that is good to get even better yet.
I trust those, and only those, who are trustworthy.
I co-create a life that is a joy to live.
There is nothing I have to do and nothing I am not free to do.
I attract good people, loving people, kind people into my life.
I shine beautifully in my world and allow no-one to dull my sparkle.
Now make sure to do something playful and self-loving each day. Affirming is good but it must be followed by action.